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Columns and sensitive info

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Changing column position and size


Entry list on the main form has default widths and positions for every column. But this can be changed. To change the size of a column, move the mouse cursor to the end of the column title (header), until a cursor takes a sizing shape. Then click the left mouse button, hold it down and move the mouse to the left or right until you get the column width you want. Then release a mouse button.




To change the position of some column, left click on the column header and hold the mouse button down. Then move the column to the position you want and release the button.


The column setup for entry lists is remembered, so next time you use TK8 Safe, your customizations are loaded automatically.



Hiding sensitive info


If you do not want to show user names and / or passwords all the time on the entry list, you can mask them. Masking means that each letter, number and symbol is replaced with * character. It does not replace the real values on fields, of course, and is used only to show (and protect) sensitive information. To change field masks, open the "Sensitive Info Mask" submenu from the View menu. There you can select which fields are masked on the table and which ones are visible.


If the field is masked, it is masked also on the entry detail window. When you activate some of the masked fields on the entry detail, the field is unmasked temporarily, though, until you are on that field. That way you can see what exactly are you editing and typing on the field.



Adding / removing columns


After installed, TK8 Safe has a default set of columns in the entry list. If you want to add some columns you see on the entry detail window, but not present on the table, you can do this by opening the View menu and selecting "Customize columns...". That will open a small customization window, where you can see all the available columns currently not shown in the entry list. To add some column to your table, just click on it and hold down the mouse button until you drag it to the entry list.


To hide some column, use the same customization window. For hiding just click on the column header and hold down the mouse button until you drag the column name back to the customization box.


After the changes are done, you can close the customization form. The new layout is saved automatically.