Sorting entries
To sort entries on the list by some column, just click on the column header. A triangle appears showing the sort order. The second click on the already sorted column header will reverse the sorting order. So it is possible to sort entries ascending or descending, depending how you would like to see the list.
It is also possible to sort the entry list by more than one column. To add sorting to additional columns, hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard when clicking on the additional column headers.
Quick search
To find some of your entries fast, you can just start typing on your keyboard and the closest entry is located immediately. The locate is made by the column that is currently active:
Advanced Find
For advanced find dialog, open the Tools menu and select "Find" (or press Ctrl + F on the keyboard).
On the appearing window can specify what you want to find (some text, numbers, anything), and from which folders. There is no matter where on the field this value is located - at field start, center or end. If it is there, the Find command will find it.
To start the search, hit the Find button. After that the dialog closed and the matching entry located. To find the next matching entry, open the Tools menu and select "Find next" or hit F3 on your keyboard. You can repeat this until the program is telling you there are no more matches left.
To start the new search, open the Find dialog again, and specify what you would like to find...