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Using filters and entry groups

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Filters are useful in situations where you have a lot of entries in one folder and you need to see only those meeting some particular criteria. For example, if you want to see passwords expiring on March next year. Those entries not matching the filter criteria are hidden until you remove the filter.


To set a filter to the entry list, you can use filter dropdown button at right on the column header. Once clicked, you can select which value should be in common on the entries you want to see:




To create more flexible filter, click on the "(Custom...)" selection. After that the custom filter dialog appears with intuitive selections and descriptions.  You can there select the condition (like equal, greater than, like, etc..) and type the value. It allows you to create filters where, for example, you will seen only entries containing the "aa" in the field.


After the filter is selected or custom filter set, you can see the condition at the bottom of your entry table:





To remove (close) the filter, click on the red "X" button on the filter conditions panel.



Grouping entries


In addition to having entries divided to different folders, you can also use grouping features in TK8 Safe. Grouping is a way to display entries in the entry list. To enable grouping feature, please check the "Show Grouping Bar" option in the View menu. When it is checked, you will see a dark grey panel (grouping box) at the top of your entry list.


To group your entries, drag some column header (for example description, if you are using that field) to the grouping box area. The information is divided to groups, based on the values found in the field. You can extract and collapse groups by using the "+" and "-" buttons on the group titles (on the entry list). To remove grouping, please drag the column header back to the entry list. To hide the grouping box, use the View menu and uncheck the "Show Grouping Bar" option.