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Favorites, File Summary

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If you have a lot of entries in some particular folder, but are using only few of them more often, you can use Favorites. Favorites is a list of your entries you have marked as favorite entries.


On the entry list, to mark the selected entry as a favorite entry, open the Favorite menu, and select "Add to favorites".


To see your list of favorites, click on the "Favorites" tab name at the bottom of your screen, or open the View menu and select Favorites. You can use all the normal entry commands. The only difference is that the list is shorter, and contains only records you have marked as favorite entries.


To remove some entry from the favorites list, select it there, and from the Favorites menu select "Remove ...".


To switch back to the normal mode, open the View menu and select Entries.


If you are not using the Favorites functionality, you can hide the Favorites tab at the bottom of your screen and the menu item. To hide, open the Program Options, Appearance panel, and uncheck the Favorite functionality options.


File Summary


File summary is the function that will tell you how big is your file in size, how many folders and entries you have (total and by folders). Additionally, it will tell you how many entries you have in the Recycle Bin.


You can switch to the Summary view from the View menu. To switch back to the normal mode, open the View menu again, and select Entries.