Importing entries
Import function will help you when you have a list of password entries outside of TK8 Safe and you would like to see them inside your file.
To import external file content to your TK8 Safe password database file, the impost file has to be in the TAB delimited text file format. If you do not know anything about file formats, you can try to open the file in Microsoft Excel for example. Once your content is seen there, use the "Save As" command and select the file type "Text file (tab delimited)" before saving. Once you have saved the file that way, you can close it.
Please note - the first row in the import file has to contain column (field) names.
Once the import file is ready, you can start the import. Before, though, you have to decide to which folder you would like to add those imported entries. You can create a new folder for this, or select some of your current folders. The folder currently selected is the folder where the entries are added from the import file.
Now, to start importing, open the File menu and select Import. After you select which file to import, import details window appears. There you can see the columns and information found in the file.
Next you have to set destination fields for the columns you want to import. To do this, please click on each column header and select the field where you want to save that information.
Once columns are set, click the "Import" button. When done, the Import window is automatically closed, and you should see the entries that were imported.
Exporting and printing your entries
In case you need to use your sensitive information outside of TK8 Safe, in some other file format, or a "hard copy" on paper, you can use the Exporting command for this. Please be careful with exported files as they are not protected and can be opened by other users having access to your computer or to the exported file.
Before you start exporting, please select the folder from where you want to export the entries. Once the folder is selected, open File menu to select "Print and Export" from there.
On the appearing window you can select what you would like to export - only the selected entry or all entries from the selected folder. Next you can select the output format:
• | Print to printer |
• | MS Excel (XLS) |
• | Text file (tab delimited) |
• | HTML file |
• | XML file |
After the format is selected, you can start by clicking the Export button. When you selected the file format, you will be asked for a file name used for your exported entries. When the "Print to printer" was selected, the program will start printing to the default printer you have.