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Send to functions

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From the File menu, "Send to" submenu commands are available. It has three options:


1.Portable device


By selecting this option you can port the program and your file to the portable devices like USB Memory sticks, flash cards, external hard drives, etc.  Once sent there, you can start using the program from the portable device directly, in addition to your local copy. That way you can always carry the program and the file with you.


2.Desktop shortcut


By using the Desktop Shortcut option, a new icon is created to your desktop, pointing to your file. It allows you to start the program and open the file automatically (of course, the password is required). If you have working with only one file, that option has no much use, as the recent used file (your only database file) is opened anyway. But if you have several files you work with, you can create shortcuts to your desktop for all of them. And instead of starting the program and selecting the file to work with, you can just double-click on the appropriate desktop shortcut.


3.Mail attachment


If you need to send the file as mail attachment (for example as a backup copy to your own mail account), you can do this by selecting this option from the "Send to" menu. This command will create a new email with your default mail program, and will attach it to there, so you could send it easily.