Built in user permission system allows you to create separate user accounts for your file and restrict access for those users. You can have folder, entry and feature based restrictions.
To set up and manage users, please open File properties from the File menu. To add, edit or delete users, use the "Users & Permissions" panel. On the user list you will see the user account name and the last login.
When adding or editing user account, the user account details window is on the screen. On its "User information" panel you can enter the account a name and set the password. Additionally you can set a hint to recall the password if the user should forget it.
On "Access to information" panel you can restrict the possibility to access some data. For each entry type (like logins, cards, serial numbers) you can set different permissions. You can show the user all entries, or only those they have created. You can also enable or disable adding new entries. When setting editing and deleting permissions, you can select if the user can delete/edit all entries, those created by this user only, or is the feature completely disabled.
To limit access to some particular folder(s) only, you can check those folders on the right aligned folders list box.
The "Maintenance & Usage" panel allows you to set which features the user can access. By default all features are enabled. To disable some (for example auto-typing), you can uncheck those check boxes.