File Synchronization feature available in the TK8 Safe Professional version will help you to merge information from two files into one database.
Though the best strategy to use the "latest version" of your data is to use the database directly the USB drive (memory stick), this option is not always available. If you change the database in one computer, and then another, the data you have on both files is different. To "merge" the changes from those two files, you can use File Synchronization.
Let's say you have a database file A in your laptop and a database file B on your desktop. If you are behind a desktop, you can Synchronize your file with the laptop database file, to import all new and edited entries from the file A.
You should know that not all changes are synchronized (like deleted entry information). If you have deleted an entry from the file A, that entry is not deleted automatically in file B while the databases are synchronized. This is both for security reasons and to avoid logical conflicts. For example, if the program finds an entry from the File B that does not exist in file A, the program can't decide if it is a new record added to your desktop file, or is a record deleted from the laptop. In both situations the record exists in one file but not in another. That is why records are not deleted automatically during the synchronization.
Also, the synchronization does not replace your original source file with the synchronized one. Again, this is for security reasons, meaning you can access the unchanged source data until you want. After you have synchronized the database on your desktop, and want to access the same database on your laptop, you have to copy the database file back to the laptop manually (or use File menu, Save As command). You can also keep using the old laptop database until you want, and synchronize it from time to time with your desktop database.
To start synchronization, please open File menu and select "Synchronize...". On the appearing window you can select the file from where you want to import changed and new entries. Of course, you have to enter the password for that database. Once the file is selected and password entered, you can click the Start button, which will start the synchronization process. During the synchronization you will see the progress until it's done. After completed, you can close the synchronization window and can immediately see the changes in your database (if there were some changes).