On this panel, you can select the program language you want to use in TK8 Safe.
Language support is flexible and allows you to translate the program to any other language that is not currently present in the list. Additionally, you can fix the texts in the current translation if you want to.
To fix or update the translation, click on the "Edit selected" button. That will bring up the translation window.
In case your language is not listed in the selection and you would prefer to use the translated program, you can translate it yourself. Translating is easy and takes only few hours. To add a new language, click on the "Create a new translation" button and enter the language name on the appearing window. After entered, the translation window will appear.
When you edit the translation (or are creating a new one), a translation window appears. First step there is to select the Window from the left panel you would like to translate (section number 1) . After selected, you can select the value on the "Original" panel (section 2) and translate the value at the bottom of the screen (section 3). When the sentence or word is translated, hit the Save button and select another one you want to translate. You can also hit the Enter key on your keyboard, which will save the translation and selects the next phrase for translation.
If you translate the program to your local language, please send the translation to us also, so we could include it with next releases. To create a backup file from your translation, click on the "Back up to desktop". After that a small file is created right to your desktop. To send it to us, attach it to the email and send to support@tk8.com . If you translate the program to the new language, we will give you a free license key with lifetime updates.