TK8 Sticky Notes is a free software application
to put notes on to your desktop.

Getting Started with TK8 StickyNotes
This tutorial will introduce you to the basic concepts and features of TK8 StickyNotes.
1. Accessing the Program

You can start the program by using the icon on your desktop. However, did you know that when the program is already started and you double click on the desktop icon again, it will bring up the Control Panel of TK8?

By using this Control Panel, you can effectively manage all your notes.
When you click on the Options link, you can access the Program Settings, access the User's Manual, and enter your license key.
If you need to close the program, select "Exit TK8 StickyNotes" from the Options menu.
2. How To Create, Show, and Hide Notes

To create a new note, click on the "New Note" button on the Control Panel. Additionally you can double-click on the note icon next to the system clock.

Once the note is taken and you don't need it on the screen anymore, you can hide it by clicking the top right "X" button on the note.
You can also hide your open notes using the "Hide" button on the Control Panel.
To bring back your notes, click on the "Show" button on the Control Panel.
You can also use keyboard shortcuts to manage your notes:
To create a new note, press Ctrl + Alt + N.
To hide all your notes, press Ctrl + Alt + H.
To show all your notes, press Ctrl + Alt + S
3. Changing the Appearance of Your Notes

To change the look of your note, right click on it. Using the right-click menu, you can change the font style, size, and color. You can do this for the entire note or for the selected text only.

When creating a new note you can decide its color easily. Just double-click on the appropriate color group icon on the Control Panel.
To change the note color group later, you can use the right-click menu item "Groups".
4. Deleting Notes
As you already know, clicking the top right "X" button on the note does not delete it but hides it. To delete the note, please right click on it and select "Delete" from the appearing menu.

If you accidentally delete the note, you can restore it using the Recycle Bin.
You can also access several other commands and note settings through the right-click menu.
5. Advanced Features
Managing a lot of notes can be hard, but we have included several features to make it easier.
For example, you can use color groups to categorize your notes. To work with a specific group of notes activate the group on the Control Panel by clicking on its color icon. Once active, you can show and hide notes from this group. To manage all notes despite their color you can use "Show All" and "Hide All" buttons right next to the "Show" and "Hide" buttons. Group names and their colors can also be customized in Program Settings.
Reminders are handy if you want to "set and forget" some information. At the date and time you specify, the note will pop up on your screen.
Did you store something but are now unable to find it? Don't worry - you can use the search functionality to find it quickly. You can also print out the content on the note and email it if needed.
You can easily change how the program should behave on your system. To do this, bring up the Program Settings and change what you don't like.
That's it!
There is a lot more to TK8 StickyNotes than this tutorial has explained. If you can't find what you are looking for, please let us know and we'll help!