TK8 Safe is a perfect password management software
with features covering all aspects of storing and using
sensitive information.

Too Many Passwords to Remember?

What If Someone Will Steal Your Passwords Tomorrow?

Stop Using Passwords the Risky Way!

Trusted by Over 274,000 Daily Users!
TK8 Safe Version History
Version 3.3
- Added possibility to export History log table
- Added Norwegian translation.
Fixed / changed:
- The program is now much faster, especially on 64-bit systems.
- Error fixed in the Find function when search was done within selected folder
- Password Bar errors are now fixed (appeared when switching between logins, credit cards and serial numbers).
- Double click on the column header will not open the details form any more but will resize the column to the optimal size
- The option to make a backup copy to the additional location (when the file was closed) did not work
- Copy and Auto-Type are now working fine for the Certificate fields in Serial Number categories
Version 3.2
- Onscreen keyboard added for entering database master password (in the Professional version)
- Password Quality Indicator added to show how strong your passwords are.
- In multi-user system, users can now change their password right on the user login screen (in the Professional version)
- Links inside Notes fields are now clickable
- You can now attach a file to every serial number entry (for example to keep the pdf receipt)
- Added new Startup option: Allow only one instance (by default checked). If the program is already running, it is activated instead of starting a new instance.
- In Options, you can now set how many lines of text to show for each rown in the table. Default (and minimum) is one line.
- Double click on the system tray icon will now restore the last program state before it was sent to system tray
- Keyboard shortcuts added to copy User Names (Ctrl+U) and Credit Card Numbers (Ctrl+N)
- Windows 7 compatibility
Fixed / changed:
- User Name Field extended to 150 characters (previously 50)
- Improved Password Generator (Spin Edit replaced with Trackbar to make it easier to change password length)
- Moving folders up and down caused program freezing with some databases
- Improved opening speed for large databases (over several hunderd passwords)
Version 3.1.1
Fixed / changed:
- Password generator didn't remember Exclusion list and special character list field values.
- In the multi-user system, when the file was locked and incorrect password was entered for the user password, the program was unable to unlock the file until the file was re-opened.
- In the multiuser mode, when the administrator changed file properties, and changes were cancelled, permissions from first user were applied to the administrator session.
- In History, all changes were visible, even for the entries and folders the user had no access to.
- Folder creation and editing speed increased in multi-user mode and large databases
Version 3.1
- File Synchronization (in the Professional version)
- Password generation based on templates (in the Professional version)
- Windows Vista compatibility
- Option to turn off password generator
- It is now possible to add, edit and delete records directly in the Password Bar mode
- On the template management window, you can now set one template that is always loaded automatically when the new entry is added.
- Program Options has now a "Default" button that can restore default settings.
- New files created in the Standard version are now encrypted with strong AES 256 bit keys.
- The About window will now display if the program is running in the Standard or Professional mode.
- Translation engine needed for localizations is now integrated to the program
Fixed / changed:
- Folder order (sorting) is now remembered when custom sorting is used and the order is changed.
- Bug in the multi-user mode when the folder was added by the user with limited folder access. Now the user is able to manage and see folders without any problems.
- When the user has no editing permissions, they can now still open (but only view) the entry detail form. Before it was not possible and only the information seen on the preview table was available.
Version 3.0
- Recycle Bin feature added to protect you from accidental deletions.
- Unlimited Undo feature added (the history is kept inside your protected file, so you can undo changes even days later, and after you have restarted your computer)
- Different sorting options for folder list added, including custom order
- Icons are now editable for each folder
- Login entries can now have unlimited custom fields (to store different kind of information about each entry)
- New fields added for entry detail forms.
- You can specify now also text color for each record in addition to current background color
- Web sites are now run in the new window, not in some currently active browser window
- Running links is now accepting parameters the link might have.
- Improved Find function
- File Protections Folder type: You can now import any external file inside to your password protected database. Like a real safe where you can keep your files.
- Greatly improved saving speed, specially for large databases. Saving is now automatic after each change.
- Favorites
- File Summary page
- Possibility to use different encryption algorithms (instead of default AES 128)
- Option to email login info (including on different templates)
- History log feature added to File menu where you can see every change made in entries database
- File Operations: Module to encrypt and decrypt external files. Secure Delete function for external files
- Templates can now be created and used to load default field names (and values) to login entry custom fields
- Same-time multi user access to the file is now supported.
- User permission system (access restrictions to different folders and feature based restrictions
- Login Groups. You can create different groups from different login entries. You can run and auto fill the entire group (different sites at once on different browser windows)
Fixed / changed:
- Problem fixed in cases the entry was added to large databases (over several hundred records).
- AutoType now also works with East-Asian language sets.
- Improved print layouts (output is now sorted and ordered by columns in the table)
- The program now works under Windows limited accounts
- When using the program from portable device, it now knows if your program was registered. In such case the program will run in full functionality
- Auto fill feature is now called Auto-Type and has been improved
- Other minor improvements
Version 2.8
- Option added to lock the program after the Autofill command is used
- Default e-mail template field added to program options
- Added support for Japanese language
Fixed / changed:
- Import speed improved significantly
- Increased deletion speed for folders with hundreds of entries.
- TakeWithMe wizard was unable to copy help file
Version 2.7
- Clipboard is now auto-cleared only in case the data is originated from TK8 Safe
- Default password combo box added to the entry form
Fixed / changed:
- Emailing entry info with Outlook fixed
- If the password had ( or ) characters, they were ignored by Autofill
- Last used password generator settings are now remembered for the next time
- The program is now able to run also in the USB protected areas after ported with "Take With Me" wizard.
Version 2.6
- Added option to turn off the startup splash screen
- Added option to set delay length between autofill key strokes
- Autofill performance improved on web sites with long titles
Version 2.5
- System tray mode added (easy and quick way to access entries)
- Autofill memory added
- System wide hotkey Ctrl+Alt+R added to run entry links.
- Added feature to e-mail entry information on the template.
- "Close to system tray" option added.
- Expire time quick selections added next to expire date fields
- Status bar added containing file path and summary info
- Entry icons added to password bar mode
- Added option to sort folder tree automatically
- Password bar menu has now the option to close the program.
- Added option to sort folder tree automatically
- Added option to disable Autofill Memory
- Toolbar and menu look improved
- Welcome wizard added to help starters.
Fixed / changed:
- Changing default idle time for clipboard clearing in options caused error message
- Error message in the Password Bar mode in case the file contained no entries.
- Customized autofill templates were ignored and default templates were used instead
- Sending keyboard layout dependant characters (@, £, _, etc.) changed. No more key descriptions table is needed in options.
- File protection form changed. File encryption and decryption should be easier to understand now.
- Import and export functions improved
- "Tools - Start web browser" will now open your default browser, not the Internet Explorer always
Version 2.4
- Selection field values are now stored inside the ".tks" file, and are separate for each file.
- Entry forms are now resizeable
- "Release lock" button added to 'Enter password' window, to close the file unlocking was asked for.
- On adding new entry, default password will be generated automatically.
- On the password window, it is possible now to select common user names you are using. You do not need to type them manually every time adding a new entry.
- "Take with me" feature added to copy the program and the open data file to removable media quickly.
- Possibility to set icon and color to password entries
- New fields Entry Created and Last Modified added.
- "Admin" panel with additional fields for system administrators added to general entry card. Panel can be turned on (off) in options "Toolbar / panels" section.
- Limitation of having one root folder type per file removed.
Fixed / changed:
- If the file password dialog box was open, it took 2 presses of "cancel" to close it.
- Forms were closed with Enter key pressed on the Notes field
- "Lock on idle" feature was not working correctly on Windows XP with some program settings.
- A better solution added to program options to change system wide hotkeys.
Version 2.3
- Added key for system wide autofill (by default CTRL+SHIFT+A).
- Send function renamed to Autofill
- Norwegian language added.
Fixed / changed:
- File locking problem solved. Now the file can be saved always after using the Save As command.
Version 2.2
- Option added: Save the file automatically soon it is changed.
- Option added: Lock the program with hotkey if active
- File encryption and decryption tool added
- Tips added to Help menu.
Fixed / changed:
- Sorting is now case insensitive
- Grid filter drop down values are visible again
- Locking to system tray was not working properly
Version 2.1
- Password bar renewed.
Fixed / changed:
- Fixed bug on displaying wrong copy/send descriptions on the popup menus with PIN/CC entries
Version 2.0
- Windows XP look support
- Grouping functionality added to tables
- Trial period extended to 30 days
- Automatic update system, recent changes list built in
- New easy and quicker language support system
- Even / Odd record coloring added to table rows
- Close command added to File menu
- Option added - Hide sensitive information on starting
- Option added - clear clipboard on exit
- Options - added possibility to select idle action - locking the file or exiting the program.
- Always on top from options moved under to the View menu on the main form for quick switching.
- Ask password when returning from system tray option added to options.
- Duplicate record function added to Edit menu
- Multi user support - multiple users can now open the same password file safely (first user has full read/save access, other users will have only read-only access).
- New startup screen and main panel.
- Possibility to set password file to open always at program startup.
- Auto backup features added.
- Help file updated..
Fixed / changed:
- Layout customization support and memory