Managing Backups

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All the backups of selected backup task are seen on the recent backups list.


Once the backup is created, it is listed in the recent backups list and you have several options available what to do with that file.

You can access the commands below from the Tasks menu, or by clicking the Recent backups menu button on top of the recent backups list:




1.Open will start your default ZIP archiving program and opens the selected backup file with it.
2.View log file allows you the quick access to the log file (if you have set to create a log file along with the backup).
3.Restore and quick restore are explained in the Restoring Backups chapter.
4.Burn command is useful if you do not want to burn the backups automatically after they are created. Instead, you can burn them later by using this command
5.Upload connects to the server set up in the backup task and uploads the selected file to the remote FTP server. Similar to burning, this can be done automatically after the backup is created, but for users preferring to do this manually, this command is available.
6.Delete can be used if you do not need some backup file any more.
7.Refresh command in the recent backups menu leaves only those backups to the list that are found at the time refresh is done. If you have deleted some backup files outside the TK8 Backup program, with Windows Explorer for example, then refresh command removes those backup lines from the list, as they are not on your destination folder any more.