Customizing the look

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Adding / removing columns


After installed, TK8 Backup has a default set of columns in the tasks list. If you want to add some columns found on the task window, but not seen on the list, open the File menu and select "Customize Table Columns...". After selected, a customization window appears where you can see all available columns currently not seen in the list. To add some column from the dialog, click on it and hold down the mouse button until you drag it to the list.


To hide some columns, use the same customization window. For hiding just drag the column header from the list to the customization box.


After adding and removing columns is complete you can close the customization window.


To customize toolbar buttons, right-click with your mouse on the toolbar on the main window and select 'Customize'. Or, you can use File menu and select "Customize toolbar". After that a standard toolbar customization window appears where you can create new toolbar groups and select / remove buttons on groups. In the command tab, you can drag available commands to existing toolbar panels. To remove some existing button from the toolbar, click on it and drag it back to the Commands list.

Column and toolbar setup is automatically saved. Next time you start TK8 Backup, your customizations are be loaded automatically.