Log file

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Log file settings


"Show the log after backup is completed" option allows you to view the log file automatically every time the backup process ends. If not checked, you can still view the log file later, by using the Tasks menu. Please note, though, that to see the log file, log file creation should be enabled for the task.


"Show the log only if error occurred" option, if checked, will show the log file automatically when the backup is completed, but only if some error was found during the backup progress.


By using RTF format you can set the appearance for your log files. RTF log has color lines (for example errors are red, headers blue etc). If RTF log option is unchecked, your log files are in the plain text format which means you can view them also outside the TK8 Backup, by using any text editor (for example Notepad). Log files created in the RTF format are readable from inside the TK8 Backup program.