Software to grow your business

A short overview of why

The Software Installed To Your Own Computer
Is A Better Solution Than Web Based Solution.

1: Software in your local computer is more user friendly.

Web solutions are not so comfortable to use as local software applications. Web developers just can't implement some smaller but still important features due to technical limitations. For example quick search (locate), quick filters and data grouping in real time can't be found in web solution. Also sorting and fast table customization features are better in local software applications.

2: Local programs are faster.

Local software is faster because it does not have to transfer data over the Internet. Data is already in your computer and it takes no time to display it. Though Internet connections are good, it still requires time to load every page from the server. Specially when the page has a lot of information.

Most web solution providers keep hundreds customer databases in one server. That makes the speed problem even more serious, as one computer has to do the work for hundreds users at the same time. Instead, software installed to your own computer serves only your needs. Even if you have multiple users connected, the resource usage is divided between different computers and you can still enjoy working fast.

3: Local software is better in managing large lists.

With web solutions the length and size of lists seen in one page is often limited. It means you can only see a range of your data. For example customers starting with AA until AP. To see other customers, you have to order another range from the server and wait until it is loaded. With local software you can use such filters if you need to, but by default and without any problems you can work with unlimited lists.

4: Interruptions in Internet connection will not affect you.

It's indispensable that from time to time your Internet connection is not working properly. It can be the provider (ISP) fault, or your own hardware or software might not work. If you don't have Internet connection, you just can't use your web solution. If the software is installed to your own computer, you can still continue the work regardless of Internet connection.

5: Local software is independent of third party problems.

Web solution providers will also face problems caused by third parties. Those problems will interrupt your work also. Your own Internet connection might be fine, but if your solution provider has problems, you still can't access your data.

When the server where your solution is hosted fails, then restoring all databases can take several hours. In many cases the server change interrupts your work for days. If your own computer should fail (for example hard drive crash), then in less than 10 minutes you can restore your backup to any computer and continue the work.

6: With web solutions you can lose your data.

If your web solution provider should close the business, you can not use their servers and solution any longer. You can lose your data essential to your business because you just can't access the system at one point. By using local software application you can use it forever, and can always access your data.

7: Security risk with local software is smaller.

Public servers will often fall under hackers attacks which can last from several hours to days. During these attacks the access to your database is restricted and you can't work properly.

There is a real threat that your confidential data might be abused, or important records ruined, should the hacker get access to the server where your database is hosted. By using local software application all the data is in your own computer. Hackers interest for "usual computers" is practically nonexistent and when your computer is protected with firewall and passwords, your data is safe.

8: Full control over your data.

With local software you have the full control over your database. You can be sure that when you made a backup then you really have it. You don't have to worry that there is no backup from your important data because the solution provider had some technical problems.

9: Local software is cheaper compared to web solutions.

The price of web solutions is high. Mainly because the hardware used in server computers costs more and it has to be monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That payroll expense needs to be covered by users. Using your own local software it does not increase your computer maintenance costs.

PS! Did you know the main benefit web solutions had over the local applications is a history?

For a long time the main benefit web solutions had over the usual software applications was the ability to work over the Internet. People often don't know that such functionality is already built in to the Windows (2000 and XP). The technology is called "Remote Desktop" and it means you can access your computer and your programs from any place over the Internet. You can log in to your computer even from handheld devices (Pocket PC and Palm). The work through Remote Desktop is fast even with average Internet connection.

TK8 Business CRM we develop is an easy-to-use, functional software that you can download and install to your computer. It will provide you several benefits any web solution just can't offer.

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